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Video Conference Introduction To Fly Tying 

Introduction to Fly Tying

This is a six week course that consists of six one hour sessions. It focuses on fundamental techniques that will be used to create six different patterns.  Those patterns include: Pine Squirrel leech, Wooly Bugger, Rainbow Warrior nymph, Fusion nymph, Adams dry and Elk Hair Caddis dry.  The course is offered through the Zoom video meeting program.  Zoom works on all desk top, laptop, apple and android devices.  Once you’ve selected your class day and time slot, you will receive an email invite to the class session.  On the day and time of your course, you’ll be able to simply click on the link and join the class using your electronic devise from the comfort of your home tying table. 

Class Size

Classes will be limited to six participants to ensure enough time for quality instruction and interaction between myself and class members.


You will need a computer, tablet or phone with a functioning camera and keyboard or microphone.  Most smart phones and tablets have incorporated microphones and cameras.  However, when using a laptop or desktop you’ll need to check for these features.  It would be ideal for us to be able to communicate verbally, but you will also have the option of typing in chat mode at the bottom of the screen. You will need to download the free Zoom app on the device that you chose to use.  This visual aspect of the camera will allow me to see what you are doing at your vise so that I can provide quality instruction and feedback.


In order to take part in the class your will need a tying vise, scissors, thread bobbin, bodkin, hair stacker and hackle pliers.  You will need to set up your vise in front of the camera for your device.



Once you have registered for the course, I will send you the recipes for the patterns that we will be tying.  You are welcome to purchase these materials in bulk on your own.  As a more efficient option, you can purchase the Introduction Class Pack of materials from my site store.  The pack consists of six pre-made kits that each contain enough materials to tie six of each pattern that we will be working on.  Glue is not included in these material kits and will be needed for the class. 

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